I’m Living in a Ghost Town

And there are pieces of me lost in all of its streets.

Shannon Leigh
10 min readSep 13, 2021
Photo by Gabriel Hohol from Pexels

I’m driving through the quiet streets of my small hometown, listening to a horror fiction podcast through my car stereo. There are thick clouds blanketing the sky like a fog, and though it’s not supposed to rain, I wonder if a storm might settle in during the evening hours.

As I’m driving, I pass my high school on the left-hand side — an old and spacious brown-bricked building sitting on the corner of a busy intersection. There are tall maple trees clustered around the property, their leaves obscuring the school’s high windows. I remember sitting in ninth-grade math staring out those old windows, distracted by the senior boys participating in gym class on the soccer field below. I can still see myself in my old catholic school uniform, ironed white blouse, plain black kilt, knee socks. I had such a sense of purpose back then. I knew my role, my world felt safe, and I did well academically. I had no idea what life had in store for me, but I was certain it would be good.

Of course, it would be good. It had been good… hadn’t it?

When I pay attention to the sprawling grass outside the building, I’m reminded of the countless times I walked to grab lunch across the street at Quarter’s Pizza, where my friends and I would each get two…



Shannon Leigh

I’m basically a house cat with a penchant for introspection.