A Non-exhaustive List of My Recurring Dreams

Because everyone wants to hear about your dreams, right?

Shannon Leigh
5 min readOct 17, 2023
Photo by Gregory Pappas on Unsplash

I’ve always been someone who dreams nightly, and vividly. Even in my earliest home videos, you can see me describing my dreams from the night prior, weaving elaborate stories about what went on in my mind.

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve noticed I have the same (or very similar) recurring dreams on a pretty regular basis. Some of them have common themes, while others are mundane and even weird. I’m not sure what they say about me, but I figured I’d take the time to catalogue them in the event that someone else may be able to relate.

In no particular order, here is a list of my most frequent recurring dreams:


I’m back in university for one more year, and somehow still have the keys to (and the lease for) my dorm room. The room itself is exactly how I left it before I graduated. In it are all my old things, including some plants on the brink of death, and a fridge of food I refuse to open.

I worry about who’s been paying the lease on this room for the past ten years. In many iterations of this dream, my old roommate is still living in our dorm room, despite the fact that her kids and…



Shannon Leigh

I’m basically a house cat with a penchant for introspection.